Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2012
The meeting of the Learning Resources was called to order at 10:06 AM on Friday, July 20, 2012 in the Conference Room
A. Distribution of Agenda
The agenda was distributed to all in attendance.
B. Open Issues
Schedule for librarians to be created and posted for students who ask for specific librarians.
C. New Business * 10:07 am-In the meeting Accudemia was discussed and the major problem of the Accudemia was that the students were not able to log in for a certain subject and also the students that don’t go to MDC have no way to log in. The resolve for that problem would be to keep a hand-written tally of people who come in that are not current students of MDC. * 10:15 am-Baker and Taylor-is the new way to order the materials for the library. Lindsay, Barbara, Mervyn and Janie were trained. Discussed how the changes in the collection are children books will keep prefix CHILD and then the first part of the title and shelved in alphabetical order. Also the items will come to MDC shelf ready. Holocaust collection will no longer have HOLO. * 10:24 am-Citation style lib guide-By Barbara * All staff should be consistent when giving information to the students concerning the APA and MLA format. The best place to gather the information would be * 10:31 am-Displays-Roberto and Lindsay working on schedule on displays to do during the year. Discussed 2 primary displays 20th Anniversary of Hurricane Andrew to coincide with “After Andrew” show in the art gallery hallway. Constitution day will be Sept 17th with campus activities and a display in the library. We will partner with Nicole Bryant to promote events and keep the same look and feel to materials. * 10:36 am-Library Instruction requests-Lindsay will email the form out to everyone so we will be available to give it to the professors in case they need to request anything.