Credit value: 4 GLH: 31
Unit Aim: The unit aims to provide support to the patient and the operator during the provision of fixed and removable prosthesis and orthodontic appliances. The learner will need to prove their practical competence related to these treatments for a range of patients. A detailed knowledge and understanding of all equipment, materials and medicaments is required. Learners will also need to prove their practical skills relating to health and safety and cross infection control relevant to these procedures. Patient care is essential throughout this unit. Learner Name: C&G student No: |
Learning OutcomesThe learner will: | Assessment CriteriaThe learner can: | Evidence Recorde.g. page no | Assessor judgement achievedInitial & date | 1. Be able to support the patient and the operator for fixed and removable prosthesis | 1.1 provide the necessary charts and records | | | 1 | 1.2 select the appropriate impression materials | | | 2 | 1.3 provide support and monitor the patients whilst impressions are in their mouth | | | 3 | 1.4 provide the necessary equipment required for taking for the taking of shades supporting the operator in the procedure | | | 4 | 1.5 provide the necessary equipment and materials for taking occlusal registrations | | | 5 | 1.6 list the methods for protecting and retracting the soft tissues during treatment | | | Outcome 1: Range Charts and records:1a. medical history, 1b personal details, 1c dental charts,1d laboratory tickets, 1e dental images, 1f photographs, 1g study modelsImpression materials:2a alginates, 2b puttyPatients: 3a adults, 3b children, 3c young people, 3d older people, 3f those with special needs, 3g those from different social and ethnic backgrounds | Procedure:4a Fixed prosthesis, 4b removable prosthesisEquipment