29 January 2013
SUBJECT: Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) Mission Analysis
1. Purpose: To determine how to best achieve the objectives of OCIE management within 5th SFG and to discuss how battalions' internal OCIE control is best suited.
2. BLUF: GSB, 5th SFG (A) wants to establish command and control of the OCIE warehouse in order to mitigate potential systemic problems.
3. Background: The previous SSA Tech, CW4 Primasing, was the original supervisor and helped established the OCIE warehouse here in 5th SFG (A). He, as the accountable officer had custodial and managerial responsibility that included the receipts, issues, storage, and turn ins of all OCIE items. The system in place called for a different approach as this methodology represented a conflict of interest. OCIE hand receipt holder could not have been the same individual who was in charge of handling physical accountability and disposal of these items which could have been manipulated causing the aforementioned conflict of interest. . The 5th SFG (A) OCIE equipment is now signed for by GSB SPO representative. The GSB provides one SGT to issue and receive OCIE equipment (Air Items, Concealable body armor etc.) to 5th SFG (A) soldiers daily or as required.
4. Present day: A NCO (SGT) manages the entire operation from storing, issuing, turn ins, and inventory of OCIE items. OCIE is operating from Monday through Thursday from 0900-1700 and servicing Soldiers from 0900-1530. Friday's are utilized for administration to reconcile documents from the past week. Appointments are not formally established and customer service is worked on first come first serve basis.
5. Having the GSB do all functional requirements from OCIE have proven to be an unpractical task. The
In order to properly issue an operator their full order from SPEAR i.e. PCU9 Equipment and OPSCORE Helmets, the process can take approximately 45 minutes to thoroughly