Mrs. Perez
English 9
Period #5
Mission peak One day I heard that there was this hill call mission peak. IN the summer 2012 I wanted to be the year that I taked my fear of heights. SO after all the planning I was ready. From this experience I learned that the ability was in me the whole time. It begins summer of 2012 I am talking with a favorite teacher of mine she told me that there is a lot’s of hill in bay area I ask her witch one is the closest to Fremont she said mission peak. Two-week letter I research about everything I need to know so I don’t get lost. Then that night I called my friend I told them you won to go to mission they said yes and I was glad they said yes cause if they said no I would not go alone cause it will be to scary .the day came I was excited I call my friend and told them come fast so we could leave early morning because it got hot really fast bust when it is hot I get dehydrated fast. Then it time to go every one is so ready to tackle this challenge and just get over with it so we got there a lot’s people were already there before us and I had no choice but to go park down the hill by the house. So we get by the gate one side mission peak other home .WE start walking up mission peak we saw cows and poop tree people old man and women young women hot Asian girls after. Waling for 45 minutes I finally mad it I was feeling like I was the man cause I finally got out of my house all those day I had wasted playing call of duty modern warfare 2. Now I know when I am out side feel the nature that when I learn never waste time playing video game when I could be the game me and I make the