Education is the one of the most important professions we have today. Lee Canter, an educational author and speaker, discussed his personal experience of a teacher that would not allow him to accept “F” as a grade (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010a). After listening, I realized that everyone has become who they are because of a teacher or a combination of teachers. We have the most important job because we not only teach students subjects like math, reading, science, etc. but we also have the job of preparing them to become respectable citizens and leaders.
As Sonia Nieto said, “ Even under the best circumstances, teaching is a demanding job, and most teachers do not work under the best circumstances ” (Nieto, 2003, p. 3). Our jobs as educators have become much harder over the years. We are expected to achieve more with much less. Throughout my studies, this was a reoccurring theme with many of my colleagues. We have this overwhelming need and want to help each and every student, but circumstances pose to be the greatest obstacle.
Although educators have a big obstacle before them, positive attitude can be the greatest power to help break down the barrier. Lee Canter explains in his video “The Power of a Positive Attitude” that focusing on our own strengths as well as our students is our biggest tool (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010b). As I look back to my teaching before enrolling in Walden University, I knew the power of a positive attitude, but simply did not use it to my ability. I decided to challenge myself to become more positive with my students. I decided to become the half- full type of teacher rather than focusing on the negative factors. Each student has something unique and different to bring to the classroom. Walden professors found powerful assignments to ignite the fire within me and to challenge myself to become a more powerful and positive teacher. The difference I have seen in the classroom has amazed me. It seems like a simple message, but one that can be more powerful than you can believe. Walden University continued to challenge me to not accept mediocrity and monotony in my teaching. With all the demands of educators, it becomes very easy to get into a pattern and continue teaching as we always have. I was challenged to think behind the normal approach to teaching and learning, but to find new ways and approaches to reach students. There were many times along the way that I felt overwhelmed with the expectations and requirements of being a student again. The feeling of uncertainty continued to linger for many courses. I had many colleagues and teachers that continued to encourage me and stay positive. The constant reminder of the reason I decided to continue my learning was enough to push me on. I am happy to stand here as a graduate of Walden University. The feeling of accomplishment and excitement overwhelms me. Walden University has restored the love I have for learning and teaching. I want to thank all of my colleagues and teachers for their encouragement. More importantly, my current and future students thank you as well. They are the ones that have and will have truly benefited from my new passion for learning and the power of positive thinking.