The first mission statement I viewed was from the Human Services Benefits Company. Human Services Benefits Company 's philosophy is to provide unsurpassed customer services to all of our clients. We achieve our goals and those of our customers by specializing in insurance services and products specifically designed for human service organizations. We encourage active participation, which will …show more content…
enable us to serve our clients in the most efficient, responsive manner. We strongly promote and pursue a safe working environment by implementing cutting edge techniques and methodologies. We deliver clear and measurable results and aim to ensure competitive insurance pricing. Our goal is to provide our clients with a fully functional operational system, which will encompass all their insurance needs. With a dedicated and passionate staff, we possess a strong desire to become successful not just in our own eyes, but in the eyes of those we serve. Our staff is innovative in design and actively pursues new advancements in the insurance, risk management and training fields. We work not to fulfill our client 's needs, but to exceed their expectations (Human Services Benefits Company).
This statement discusses the client and the clients involvement with the company. There is a safe and stable work environment which enables the employees to best serve the customers. There is always room for advancement which the company takes from time to time. The statement does not use big words and is mostly easy to read and understand. This discusses the employees and how they are dedicated and how they keep up with newest advances which make the work environment more stable and customer friendly. For the most part this mission statement is perfect because it seems to cover everything needed to show what they are about and what they intend to accomplish.
A good statement for an insurance company should address the types of products and exactly what kind of people they are for whether it is for personal or business or both. The mission statement discusses the clients and what needs to be done to best serve them. The statement shows the future goals of the business and how they will accomplish these goals. They show that not only are the employees involved in the business but the consumers are too.
The second mission statement was the Protect mission statement which is not bad but could use improvement. PROTECT is a national pro-child, anti-crime membership association. We are founded on the belief that our first and most sacred obligation as parents, citizens, and members of the human species is the protection of children from harm. We are committed to building a powerful, nonpartisan force for the protection of children from abuse, exploitation and neglect. We believe that this must be done through a determined single-issue focus, a meaningful mainstream agenda and the use of proven modern political strategies (Protect Mission Statement 2002-2006).
This statement refers to protecting the children but that is the last reference to them, the rest is about the families and other people. I believe the intended client is the parents and citizens but the statement should also focus on the children they help. The intention of this statement is to show the work this organization does and others can do to help. The statement also shows what they intend to do without getting too complicated about the issue. This statement should describe the types of programs it can offer and who the programs are aimed at. This statement clearly states what its intention is which is to help the children but does not go into much detail. However it does not describe the types of aide are available to people.
This last statement could use a great deal of improvement because they jump around and it is not very specific. The mission of Solano County Health and Social Services Department is to promote cost-effective services, which safeguard the physical, emotional, and social well being of the people of Solano County. The Department seeks to improve services to the community and is committed to; Working closely with clients, finding out what clients need, and providing quality services and benefits. Ensuring that all clients are treated with respect. Making services accessible for clients. Encouraging Solano County residents to adopt healthier lifestyles (Solano County Health and Social Services).
The Solano statement does not provide enough information about the clients they represent or the clients they are trying to get.
What they intend to do is stated clearly but it does not go into much detail which would be better for financing for the intended projects. This statement should be rethought and written to persuade people of their cause. This statement could be a guide for an even better one to be made, the better the statement the better the representation. This statement does not show what the clientele is or should be it talks about client but not which ones. The mission for this business is clearly stated which is to promote cost-effective services, which safeguard the physical, emotional, and social well being of the people of Solano County (Solano County Health and Social Services). The final item is the mission statement does not describe what the business does or what it stands
Mission statement can be long or short but it is important for them to have the right information. The mission statement is a summery of what the organization is about and when written poorly the organization may look poorly too. Image is important to uphold in this day and age, good image means good business and more financing. Certain guidelines should be followed when making a good mission statement, when they are not followed the statement might not reach the intended people.
ReferencesHuman Services Benefits Company. Mission Statement. Retrieved September 4, 2007 from [WEB] Mission Statement (2002- 2006). Mission Statement. Retrieved September 5, 2007 from [WEB] County Health and Social Services. Mission Statement. Retrieved September 5, 2007 from [WEB]