|GRADE: A/A-200--180|GRADE: B+/B/B-179-160|GRADE: C+/C/C-159-140|GRADE: D+/D/D-139-120|GRADE: F119 and less|
Introduction/Thesis|Introduction provides background material that leads the reader to a focused thesis that responds to the assignment, offers an interpretation of the literary work, and unifies the rest of the essay.|Introduction provides background material that connects to a clear thesis that responds to the assignment and offers some interpretation|Some sense of introduction which leads to a controlling idea. Thesis doesn't answer a how or why question.|May not have any introduction and/or thesis is vague or irrelevant.|No discernable thesis.|
Evidence|The essay includes well-chosen examples and evidence that are connected to the analysis and the thesis. Literary terminology is used accurately and effectively. Sources properly and fully cited.|Evidence used well, is clearly explained, and supports thesis. Literary terminology is used accurately. Adequate source citation.|Some generalizations unsupported by evidence and/or not clearly connected to the thesis. Few quoted sources and/or specific examples. Attempts to use literary terminology. Adequate source citation.|Little or no specific evidence and/or no use of literary terminology. Attempts to cite sources, but with errors.|No evidence given or extensive quoting, or summary of texts. No citations. Does not meet minimum requirements of essay assignment prompt.|
Analysis and interpretation of Evidence|Clear original interpretation of evidence. Strong development of ideas. Shows a command of the conceptual and interpretive tasks of the assignment.|Some originality of thought. Ideas are well explained and developed. Shows a solid understanding of the text, ideas and the assignment.|Shallow analysis. Ideas are obvious from the reading, but show an overall understanding of the assignment and text.|Inadequate command of the material with significant factual or conceptual