MGT 408
Chapter 9: Organization Size, Life Cycle, and Decline
Key Terms and Concepts Pressures for growth --compete on global scale --invest in new technology --control distribution channels and guarantee access to markets Differences between large vs. small organizations --Large-built for optimization --Small-built for innovation Big-company/small-company hybrid definition and examples Organization life cycle o Stages of life cycle Entrepreneurial Collectivity Formalization Elaboration o Identify crisis at each stage* Organizational characteristics during life cycle o Pay close attention to structure and goals Bureaucracy o Rules and procedures o Specialization and division of labor o Hierarchy of authority o Technically qualified personnel o Separate position from position holder o Written communications and records Size and structural control o Formalization vs. centralization o Personnel ratios Bureaucracy in a changing world Temporary systems Approaches to busting bureaucracy Bureaucratic control Market control Clan control Organizational decline and downsizing o Organizational decline Organizational atrophy Vulnerability Environmental decline or competition Model of decline stages o Blinded o Inaction o Faulty action o Crisis o Dissolution Downsizing implementation o Communicate more o Provide assistance to displaced workers o Help the survivors thrive
Chapter 10: Organizational Culture and Ethical Values
Key Terms and Concepts Organizational culture o Internal and external integration o Levels of corporate culture Observable symbols, ceremonies, stories, slogans, behaviors, dress, physical settings Underlying values, assumptions, beliefs, attitudes, feelings Interpreting culture o Rites and ceremonies o Stories and myths