As the text book says, “The product life cycle is concerned with the sales history of a product class which holds that a product’s sales change over time in a predictable way and that products go through a series of five distinct stages: introduction, growth, shakeout, maturity, and decline”(Mullins & Walker, 2010, p271). Each of these stages has opportunities and threats for the firm, and they can affect the strategy of the company. Thereby, the product life cycle is an important way for managers to make decisions in the future.
In the first stage, the introductory stage, mentions by the text book that “a new product’s purchase is limited because members of the stage market are insufficiently aware of its existence; also the product often lacks easy availability” (Mullins & Walker, 2010, p271). The company should shorten the product line to reduce production costs and hold down inventories, and because the pricing is affected by many factors, companies usually use skimming and penetration pricing strategies for their new products. Skimming is “designed to obtain as much margin per unit as possible” (Mullins & Walker, 2010, p272), which means setting a high price for the product in the beginning of the product life cycle. It allows the company to recover investment of the
References: Mullins, J.W., Walker, O.C. (2010). Marketing Management A Strategic Decision-Making Approach. New York: Mc Graw-Hill. Cotte, J. (2010). HANSON PRODUCTION: PRICING FOR OPENING DAY. Harvard Business School. Mankiw, N. G. (2003). Principles of Economics, 3rd Edition. New York: Thomson Learning.