* To win Greyhound Canada as MMI’s client. * To select right promotional vehicle for Greyhound. * To provide affordable price to Greyhound.
Background / Forecast:
MMI was a pioneer of product placement in Canada. MMI is aimed to select the best placement opportunities for its clients, to negotiate placement contracts for client brands, and to offer valued by providing exposure at an extremely attractive cost per thousand viewers. Product placement was a cooperative effort between advertisers and entertainment production companies, in which trademarked goods were embedded into popular entertainment products in order to encourage their consumption.
Greyhound Canada was Canada’s largest provider of intercity bus transportation, serving nearly 1,100 locations across the country. It was an icon of bus travel. Greyhound running dog was one of the most recognized brands in the world. To achieve the awareness among their target segments, the Greyhound approached to MMI.
Situation Analysis SWOT
* MMI has good relationship with producers, directors, and art departments. * Sufficient time and experience to make sure the product were seen in a good light.
* Unpredictable nature of business. * Unreliable third party data make the prediction difficult. * Poor decision will cause big loss.
* The new technology has provided MMI opportunity to offer the owners of movie and TV programming to realize maximum value from product placement. This will help to attract more customers for MMI. * The growing numbers of independent producers in films and TV has led to a growth in demand for placement agencies like MMI.
Threats * Brand