The first mobile banking and payment initiatives were announced during 1999 (the same year that Fundamo deployed their first prototype). The first major deployment was made by a company called Paybox (largely supported financially by Deutsche Bank). The company was founded by two young German’s Mathias Entemann and Eckart Ortwein and successfully deployed the solution in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain and the UK.
Israel produced a large number of mobile payment start-ups. innovation happens in unexpected places - mobile banking in kenya (0.5712795966325395 , 39.0234375)People have expectations that technological innovation is seen first in the developed markets; countries like Japan, Korea and the US are usually the first to showcase new break through in computer or mobile technologies but one of the first countries to adopt the technology is not one of those mentioned above, but Kenya, on the continent of Africa.
The more time a customer spends transacting with a bank, the more loyal that customer is. In the hyper competitive banking industry, where companies are mercy less in their attempts to lure customers away from competitors, mobile banking feels a little like an arms race.
“The account that travels with you.” This is needed in today's fast business environment with unending deadlines for fulfillment and loads of appointments to meet and