M Business
There are about 4 billion phones being used in the world today, and 1 billion of those being used are smartphones. Since 2012 more than 50 percent of local searches are performed on smartphones. Mobile internet usage is taking over desktop usage everyday. Any small business that is going to ignore this is putting the growth of their company at risk. One obvious business advantage of making the business more mobile is that it allows the business to keep going no matter where you may be at.” A study by the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council found that business owners estimate they save 291 hours of their own time each year using mobile technology. That’s an extra five or six hours a week that can be spent focusing on generating revenue rather than toiling on admin”. Moving the company in a mobile direction and creating an application is the smartest thing to do. Applications are now probably the best way for the company to add value to the business and communicate directly with the customers. A huge positive with using applications is they are very cost effective and efficient. “The modern client will always go for the products or services that meet them at their comfort zone. You can only achieve this by creating applications that run on the most used gadgets around the globe, making it easier for prospective clients to reach you.” In a world dominated by the internet ,smartphones, and tablets the importance of mobile apps cannot be dismissed. I feel in the near future that applications will be just as important as having a website for your business. The roles that smartphones play in society is huge anymore, so being a business why not use that to your advantage. So from a business stand point it only makes sense to have some type of mobile application in play for your customers. This might be something that is changeling at first but the reward should more than outweigh the challenges and cost
References: http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/advisor/why-mobile-apps-stay-044256752.html http://truewirelessinc.com/mobile-applications/employees-love-apps-5-reasons-businesses-should-use-mobile-applications/ http://truewirelessinc.com/mobile-applications/employees-love-apps-5-reasons-businesses-should-use-mobile-applications/#sthash.wPTynmJ0.dpuf http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/smb-technologist/why-your-small-business-should-have-a-mobile-app/837/ http://billabongmarketing.com/apps-for-businesses/ http://www.business.ftc.gov/documents/bus83-mobile-app-developers-start-security***** http://www.freshbooks.com/blog/2013/08/28/one-great-way-to-use-mobile-apps-for-your-small-business/