Michael Murillo
CIS500 – Strayer University
Professor Eve Yeates
August 19, 2012
Over the years, the growth of the information technology industry has pioneered new developments in the field of mobile computing technology. Mobile computing devices has brought about change in several organizations around the world including the banking and financial industries. One of the industries that mobile computing has had the biggest impact is the healthcare industry. Health care providers and clinicians alike are constantly finding new and inventive ways to take advantage of the mobile computing technology to increase revenues, and to improve quality of service in terms of patient care and response.
However, the use and implementation of mobile computing technology within the healthcare industry has not come without its source of problems. Laptop computers were bulky and the carts designed to tote these devices around the facility were very difficult to manage. According to the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), “those solutions frequently failed in real-world healthcare environments, largely due to inconvenience.” The introduction of mobile computing technology in its infancy stage brought about cellphones and PDA’s which proved to be inconvenient as well. Now we come to the age of tablets and smartphones which has improved mobile computing technology for the healthcare industry immensely.
Mobile Computing in the Healthcare Industry
The mobile computing technology currently implemented in the healthcare industry has both its advantages and disadvantages. To summarize, the succeeding list of both pros and cons are as follows:
1. Quick response to patients. Patient care questions and answers, remedies, prescriptions, and patient records are immediately available and accessible. 2. Patients have access to medical records, history, and information utilizing mobile
References: Linhoff, M. (2001, May 22). Mobile computing in medical and healthcare industry. Retrieved from http://subs.emis.de/LNI/Proceedings/Proceedings15/GI-Proceedings.15-22.pdf HIMSS. (2011, November 1). Security of mobile computing devices in the healthcare environment. Retrieved from http://www.himss.org/content/files/PrivacySecurity/ HIMSS_Mobility_Security_in_Healthcare_Final.pdf Torrieri, M. (2011, February 21). Doctor touts tablet computer for improving patient care delivery. Retrieved from http://www.physicianspractice.com/conference-insider/himss2011/content/article/1462168/1801897 SANS Institute (2003, December 23) Securing wireless networks for HIPAA compliance. Retrieved from http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/awareness/securing-wireless-networks-hipaa-compliance_1335 University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. (2011, August 19) Tap into the power of social networking. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.med.umich.edu/living/social-net.html