As the quantity of information available increases exponentially and the general pace of life accelerates, the ability to navigate, access, validate and share information will be a pivotal skill in an increasingly complex environment. This skill will affect every part of a person’s existence, including everything from their ability to remain competitive in the workplace, to their ability to make personal choices about holidays, social activities and personal development projects. This article proposes four fundamental learning advantages that are gained more easily, or to a greater degree, through the use of mLearning than through traditional face to face instruction, paper based distance education or traditional eLearning. Based on secondary academic research, and field research into current examples of mLearning, this article provides an alternative definition for mobile learning (mLearning) and predicts some characteristics of the future learning environment, including the increased importance of metacognitive and literacy skills. It is proposed that mLearning can provide access, context, collaboration and appeal advantages and additional facilitation measures for facilitators. Finally, a glimpse of the future will be provided including hypothetical examples.
Definition mLearning is the acquisition of any knowledge and skill through using mobile technology, anywhere, anytime, that results in an alteration in behaviour. The following points are to be noted from this definition. • The term ‘mobile technology’ refers to any device that is designed to provide access to information in any location, or while on the move. Specifically this would include, but not be limited to mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDA), tablet computers and laptops. Terms such as teaching and training are not used in this definition. It is not suggested that these methods of facilitating learning will
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