Mr. David Hatcher
Honors English III
4 August 2014
Chapter One Reflection
Chapter one introduces Ishmael, who seems to me like a very sad person. He loves to go out to sea to get his mind off of everything. He says “whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul…” which indicates that he is sad and not happy with himself. He almost seems like he has a suicidal side to him. He is a very simple minded person who does not care about material things or anything expensive. He loves going on adventures out to sea and being on the open waters. He enjoys seeing the “watery parts of the world”. He always goes out to sea as a common sailor instead of a passenger because “they make a point of paying me for my trouble, whereas they never pay passengers a single penny that I ever heard of.” Ishmael is not afraid of venturing to unknown parts of the world and he pays much attention to detail and to the good things in life. All the we know about Ishmael in chapter one is that he can be sad, but he is trying to make the most of the world that he lives in and see everything that life has to offer. I love that he wants to be adventurous, see the world, and travel because I love traveling and the ocean. It has always been one of my dreams to see every continent before I die. I also want to live by the beach again, so I love that Ishmael ventures out into the ocean to clear his mind of everything and almost find himself as a person. I think that being a sailor and helping others makes Ishmael happy. He is just someone going day by day and making the most of what he has and what life has in store for him.
Taylor Corey
Mr. David Hatcher
Honors English III
4 August 2014
Chapter Seven Reflection
In this chapter Ishmael visits the Whaleman’s Chapel. While he is there is sees all of the plaques that have been placed in memory of all of the sailors that died or were lost at sea as well as those who have passed away.