1. Please state your name for the court.
a. My name is Jordan Names
2. Where do you live?
a. Originally I’m from Chicago but my family moved to Nashville when I was two so I have always considered myself a Nashville star. Somehow I ended up in Midlands…not really sure how that one happened.
3. What do you do for a living?
a. I’m currently working as a bartender at Chuggie’s BUT I’m also working on my debut album _____________. I’m trying to break my way into the music world. You may have seen me on American Idol…multiple times.
4. How would you describe Chuggie’s?
a. It’s a sports bar with the added perk of live music for those of us who aren’t too into sports. It has something for everyone, including a brand new 3d tv gaming system. You can even play 3d darts on it!
5. How are you involved in today’s case?
a. I was working a double shift that day. I was just so excited that I would be working twelve hours on my feet because I knew that my band _______________ would be opening up for Chatterbox that night! It could have possibly been my big break because you never know when someone important will walk in.
6. Do you know Danny Dawson?
a. You could Danny’s a buddy of mine. He comes into Chuggie’s pretty regularly. We’re also teammates on the Midlands Softball League. Danny’s not too good at softball…poor thing, she’s just not that coordinated.
7. Did you see Danny at Chuggies that day?
a. Oh yeah she came in pretty early that day, complaining about a bad job interview.
8. Did Danny order anything from the bar?
a. Danny ordered a couple of drinks along with this HUGE thing of the Deluxe XL Nachos. These nachos are huge – they put a ten gallon hat to shame.
9. Did you see Danny at all later?
a. I saw him every once in a while. Chuggie’s was super busy and I was getting ready to perform so I wasn’t really watching EVERYTHING that was going on. I was more concerned with my set than anything else, which