Deb Kraft
Aspen University
Issues and Trends in Professional Nursing
Module 1
October 2014
Table of Content:
A. Interesting Items
1. Critical Healthcare issue: Why don’t we have enough nurses?
a. The shortage
b. The temporary solution
2. Health promotion, Disease Prevention, and Illness: A community Perspective
a. Healthy People 2020
b. Disease Prevention
B. Least Interesting
3. Apply Quality Improvement
4. IOM Core Competency: Utilize Informatics
C. Reflection – Stem Cell Research for Alzheimer’s
Professional Development
A. Interesting Items
Critical Healthcare issues: Why don’t we have enough nurses?
1. The Shortage: In the early years of 2000 the true nursing shortage had begun. With the initial factors of: increased demand, decreased supply and unfavorable working conditions. It was noted also that there was a decrease in nursing applicants at the colleges and the instructors to fulfill the open positions for the teaching of the program. (Finkelman 2013) As a person who was interested in the nursing profession at that time I was starting to look into the prospect of becoming a Registered Nurse. The shortage had let me know that the field was open to those needing employment, even without going into a specialty. In the state of Iowa there is still a huge shortage going on and the local community colleges are trying to rectify the situation by offering the course work more often. They are also working in the community to gain support to help attain funding from the local medical groups in the form of tuition reimbursement and more grant money to offer those who are willing but lack the funding. In hospitals with low nursing staff are having a greater incidence of poor patient outcome. Two Studies from the AHRQ suggest that there was a significant correlation between lower nurse staffing levels and higher rates of pneumonia. (Finkelman 2013) While working in a Long Term Acute Care (LTAC) Hospital we
References: Finkelman, A. (2013). Critical Healthcare Issue: Why we don 't have enough nurses. In Professional Nursing Concepts (Second ed., pp. 429-460). Burlington: Jones & Bartlet Learning. Finkelman, A. (2013) Health promotion, Disease Prevention, and Illness: A community Perspective.. In Professional Nursing Concepts (Second ed., pp 201-227). Burlington: Jones & Bartlet Learning. Breakthrough Alzheimer 's Treatment | Stem Cell Of America (Stem Cell Of America)