Stress is something people can experience when they are responding to certain demands. Stress can affect the way a person feels both emotionally and physically. If a person finds certain situations too difficult they may begin to experience symptoms of stress such as a racing heart, heightened senses and sweaty palms. Although the symptoms of stress can feel unpleasant, stress is not always a bad thing.
There are several different models of stress including engineering which looks at what causes stress. The personality traits model considers the person’s personality type and whether this makes them more likely to experience stress. There is also the physiological model which describes the physical reaction to stress …show more content…
There will be a sudden release of adrenalin. The person’s heart rate will quicken and they will become more alert. The body’s senses will become more acute. This is known as the fight/flight response (Stress Management Society, 2012). If the stress is temporary, the person’s physiological state will soon return to normal. Temporary stress can be good for people as it often helps them take action to get things done (Healthier Scotland, 2010). However, if the stress is prolonged, they will enter the second stage which is resistance. During the resistance stage some symptoms may seem to have disappeared, however, the extra adrenalin can make a person extremely anxious. The person will then begin to experience other symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension and stomach problems. If the issues causing the stress are not recognised or acknowledged the stress will continue. As the body continues to react to the stress, it is quickly losing the ability to resist. When this happens the person reaches the stage of exhaustion (Diagram 1). It is this stage that can lead to long term illness or even …show more content…
Many people will have an alcoholic drink at social events or have a glass of wine each night with their evening meal and this is not usually considered a danger to a person’s health. However, if a person drinks alcohol to excess in an attempt to combat stress, they may feel unwell due to the after effects of the alcohol. It is also possible they may become alcohol dependant and at a higher risk of developing alcohol related illnesses. Alcohol can also have a negative effect on a person’s mood and can cause people to behave differently to how they would usually behave without alcohol.
Emotional over-eating
Food can be a comfort for some people suffering with stress. This may or may not cause problems for the person depending on the type of foods. If a person snacks on foods which are low in fat and high in nutrients it is likely the person may begin to feel better as their body will be in better health. However; many people who have the desire to comfort eat tend to snack on high calorie or high fat foods. This can cause a person to develop health problems and it can also be a big issue for a people who are trying to lose weight. If weight gain is an issue already they will be adding to the stress by