Modern Challenges in Immigration
Catrina Hopkins
ETH 125
October 14, 2010
Ganella Taylor, Instructor
Modern Challenges in Immigration 2
“The diversity of ethnic and racial backgrounds of Americans today is the living legacy of immigration” (Schaefer, 2006, p.92). The number of immigrants in the United States has grown significantly over the years. Now most immigrants come to the United States for job opportunities or to invest in a business. But years ago although immigrants came for job opportunities then, they also came because they interested in the discovery of gold. The Chinese immigrants were also a part the groups that started to migrate to the United States. “Before 1851, official records show that only 46 Chinese had immigrated to the United States” (Schaefer, 2006, p.97). Though the Chinese would migrate and perform any work of labor here in the United States, they still needed to go through the standard process of becoming a citizen. I don’t think that United States should favor certain types of immigrants because that is a form of discrimination. I do, however, think that they should do extensive background checks along with fingerprinting process and make it mandatory cost for them to pay the necessary to come over her. They should also have to pay taxes annually just as we have to pay taxes. If they want to be a citizen of our country, they should have to abide by the same laws that we as natural born citizens have to abide by. It’s not fair for natural born citizens to have to pay taxes with most of us struggling, while immigrants come over here and start businesses, profit, and become wealthy. They all should have to go through the same application process of becoming a citizen regardless of if they are rich, poor, needy, oppressed, or talented. They all should be treated equally during this process and no country or ethnic group should have any priority over the other.
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References: Schaefer, Richard, T. (2010). Racial and Ethnic Groups, (10th ed.), Pearson Education (92, 97)