
Modern Day Misconceptions: The Role Of Tolerance In Our Society

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Modern Day Misconceptions: The Role Of Tolerance In Our Society
Tolerance is something that you are told on a daily basis but do you truly understand the meaning of the word? You probably don’t and the reason being that in the time since the enlightenment period the definition of tolerance has been warped. The official definition of tolerance is “willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own” (Merriam Webster). However the modern unofficial definition of tolerance requires a person to not only accept someone’s idea, but you must also must not disagree with an individual’s idea otherwise you are being intolerant. The problem with this modern day misconception is that to tolerate someone you must also think that they are wrong or disagree with them.
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Racial tolerance sounds like a good think but really it shouldn’t be called racial tolerance but racial acceptance. Racial expectance sounds more inclusive and friendlier then racial tolerance and tolerating something makes it seem like a hassle and that there is a disagreement between something. Racial acceptance leads to accepting everyone as they are not tolerating someone as though there’s a disagreement between them and racial tolerance has been dictated through the modern definition of toleration not the actual meaning. Racial tolerance as defined by the modern definition leads to children viewing all races as equal but racial acceptance means that children will not only see and recognize that there racial differences but will accept those differences and not be separated by them. Two symbols that represent these two phrases are a peace symbol and a sign of two people hugging. The hugging symbol represents racial acceptance and the peace symbol represents racial tolerance as it shows peace but it doesn’t show that things are going to change only that peace has occurred not that the feelings of people are going to change. This is like racial toleration because asking people to tolerate someone is easy but when you ask someone to accept someone it is much more difficult just as racial acceptance takes the issue as step further then toleration does. The reason people believe that racial toleration …show more content…
In school teachers teach tolerance of others as well as certain ideas. Parents want their children to tolerate everyone and not dislike or hate others and the school system is teaching them that. The transition from each grade in school opens up new forms of toleration to going more in depth about race or learning about specific events that gave groups of people more rights. Teacher want their students to not judge others or not say that someone else’s is wrong but that is exactly what tolerating something is. Tolerating something does not mean you agree with the idea or person but that you can at least accept their ideas and disagree or agree with

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