Learner Journey
Module 1
karen elsmore
Vocational Learning Advisor name kelly bakewell
Module 1 - Induction - your learning programme
Tick all that apply
1. Who is funding your learning programme? crosscrown ltd
2. What is your Learning Agreement / Individual Training Plan?
a. A detailed outline of your agreed learning programme
b. A review of your targets and progress
c. A summary of your achievements
3. Confirm which qualification and level you are working towards: level 2 support services nvq 4. What are your responsibilities whilst on the programme?
a. To attend planned meetings with your Vocational Learning Advisor
b. To complete work set in line with agreed timescales
c. To identify opportunities for assessment in your workplace
5. How will progress against your Learning Agreement / Individual Training Plan be formally monitored? a. b. c.
Chatting with your employer during coffee breaks
Talking to your friends after work
Through the Learner Welfare and Progress review with you, your Vocational Learning Advisor and your Employer
6. What are the roles of the following people? Vocational Learning Advisor a. Supports you through your learning programme as identified in your Learning Agreement / Individual Training Plan b. Checks your current knowledge and provides learning as appropriate c. Identifies opportunities for assessment and evidence collection Internal Verifier a. Quality assures your learning programme b. Supports you, your employer and your Vocational Learning Advisor c. Ensures you have access to fair assessment throughout your learning programme External /Standards Verifier a. Quality assures Babcock assessment practices b. Supports you, your employer, your Vocational Learning Advisor and Internal Verifier c. Ensures you have access to fair assessment throughout