Money. Who doesn’t need money? Almost everybody is in dire need of money. But some people, specifically the rich, spend it carelessly. People have certain attitudes towards money. It is either we spend it, or we save it. Some say we need to “save it for a rainy day”; some, which is more lavish in its nature, encourages us to spend our money by saying “live it up”. Now the big question is, should we spend it or save it?
The major advantage of saving money is being ready for any circumstances that might be coming in the future. We fail to save money mainly because of engaging ourselves in unnecessary expenses. People also fail because of carrying huge amount of money, which leads to spending aimlessly whenever something attracts them. Others claim that they also need a time of luxury and in the process of entertainment; they end up spending all they have. These are some of the baits practiced everyday that hinders one to save money.
Saving money is important. It enables one to feel safe and secured. It is because they do not have to worry whenever times of emergency come unlike those people who do not save money. For instance, in case of sickness, someone might lose their life or get poor medication because of lack of cash that is needed to use for the treatment. Saving is important as in times of crisis; serious problems can be easily solved.
A lot of money is spent within a short span of time, and poverty creeps in because of having no savings. Thus resulting to the financial crisis most of us are in.
However, there are also some disadvantages of saving money. A person who save money excessively and does not spend enough become known as stingy or better yet, misers. He/she save too much money from their earnings that they do not give back financially to the society. He/she becomes known to his/her friends as takers and never givers, and thus becoming disliked by the community. It even comes to the point that he/she does