One of the big topics in psychology is trying to understand and define the mind. It is a question that it is proposed in most psychology classes I have taken, and it is difficult to give an exact answer. What is the mind? How does the mind work in relation to the brain? I think that if asked, everyone would have their own slightly different answer to question. This is because the mind is not a concrete thing we can easily define. It is more of an idea that we all interpret differently. Ironically enough, it is our mind that allows us to have a different perception of mind. People who study the brain and the mind have been come up with two ideas on the concept of mind and …show more content…
4) “Dualism is the idea that the mind and the body are separate.” (Garret, pg.4) The idea behind dualism is that our body and brain are material and interact with the completely separate non-material mind. It is obvious that our bodies and brains are physical. The idea of monism and dualism are used in social sciences like psychology and philosophy to describe the mind and how we can define things like thought. I believe that having these two concepts allows people to explore and decide for themselves what the feel to be true about conscious thought and whether they think their thoughts control their body, or do their bodies control their …show more content…
Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and a leading cause of long-term disability, including paralysis and loss of language and other functions (Heron et. al., 2009)” (Garrett, pg. 82) Another serious brain injury that we often see is a traumatic brain injury, or TBI. “TBI is caused by an external mechanical force such as a blow to the head, sudden acceleration or deceleration, or penetration. TBIs are the cause of 52,000 deaths each year in the United States.” (Garrett, pg.