
Monopolies And Corruption Of The American Dream

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Monopolies And Corruption Of The American Dream
It’s important to note that this “Dream” is most closely associated with financial independence and opportunity in modern times- a result of the nation’s capitalist economic system, and the effects of the media on public opinion. “The American Dream is an implicit contract that says if you play by the rules, you'll move ahead. It's a faith that is almost unique to this country,” remarks Michael Dimock of the Pew Research Center. However, despite positive images of American society, the “modern age” of American history to this date has been characterized by a massive state of economic and social inequality, stemming primarily from the rise of corporations, and the values associated with “big business” or “big money.” Monopolies and corruption …show more content…
One must first turn his/her attention to the American Dream during the revolutionary period. It’s important to note that the term “American Dream” was not coined until much later on. However, one still sees immigrants portraying the United States as a “land of opportunity.” The United States of America, declared independent in 1776, was essentially born out of anger towards intrusive government policies and a growing desire to exercise personal liberties. Initially sparked by the 13 colonies’ longing to escape European control, the American Revolution became a battle for a new type of society and governance: the Republic. Participants in this battle envisioned a “land of opportunity,” where they dictated the operation and executions of their own lives and were only regulated by the guidelines they collectively set as a society. The famous words written in the Declaration of Independence have become a national symbol of this rejection of established European rule and the start of a freer society conducive to individual prosperity. The Republic was essentially created in the hope that an "American Dream" of prosperity and opportunity could be available to …show more content…
Issues such as civic illiteracy and a poor education system are, logically, deterrents in one’s struggle to achieve the American Dream. According to Xavier University’s “American Dream” blog, “It is our strong contention that civic illiteracy is a threat to the American Dream because it is a threat to the freedom we treasure. Civic illiteracy makes us less likely to exercise freedom by understanding and engaging in our public life.” In addition, unlike nations like Finland, Norway, and Sweden, higher education in the United States has become increasingly more expensive thanks to a number of factors, including an increase in public subsidies for higher education. Education is no longer a “right.” It has become a privilege, which is highly discouraging to millions of Americans wishing to educate themselves to compete in the global job market. As Smith believes that a proper education and participation in government are aspects of the American Dream for many people, one can easily conclude that the lack of a good education system in the United States is inhibiting some Americans from achieving their

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