Well, that young adult now has debt. Debt from college is not a very uncommon thing, actually, it is very common amongst many young people after college. “Seven in 10 seniors (69%) who graduated from public and nonprofit colleges in 2013 had student loan debt, with an average of $28,400 per borrower. This represents a two percent increase from the average debt of 2012 public and nonprofit graduates,” (ticas.org). Debt directly after college is not a fun thing, and depending on how long someone had been away at college, the amount of money they must pay can change. Carol Hostetter, Sabrina Williamson Sullenberger, and Leila Wood say, “In this version of the American Dream, anyone can go to college IF they have the resources, are ok about going into debt, can somehow get the coveted scholarship, are willing to go to community college, or come from a family of
Well, that young adult now has debt. Debt from college is not a very uncommon thing, actually, it is very common amongst many young people after college. “Seven in 10 seniors (69%) who graduated from public and nonprofit colleges in 2013 had student loan debt, with an average of $28,400 per borrower. This represents a two percent increase from the average debt of 2012 public and nonprofit graduates,” (ticas.org). Debt directly after college is not a fun thing, and depending on how long someone had been away at college, the amount of money they must pay can change. Carol Hostetter, Sabrina Williamson Sullenberger, and Leila Wood say, “In this version of the American Dream, anyone can go to college IF they have the resources, are ok about going into debt, can somehow get the coveted scholarship, are willing to go to community college, or come from a family of