Gather and document detailed information about the child
Gather information and observations according to a child’s emerging skills
Targeted information gathering
When we gather information about children we should always be ready to be surprised by what we learn about them. Sometimes, however, we have specific things we want to find out or questions about the child that need answering.
In situations like this, we will gather information most effectively when we know: what we want to learn next about the child/ren we are observing which information-gathering methods will help us do this most successfully.
Let’s look first at the range of possibilities in information gathering.
Hint: if you are having difficulties, get out your QIAS Quality Practices Guide and look at Quality Area Principle 3.2.: Each child’s learning is documented and used in planning the program. This will start you off with many practical information-gathering ideas.
Activity 1
Activity 2
Gather detailed information about children and document using a variety of appropriate methods
Refine your recording skills
You already know about the importance of ensuring that you document information about children that is: clear and accurate free of assumptions and judgements positive and optimistic specific and descriptive avoiding bias and stereotypes.
In this learning topic we will further refine your recording skills. We will look at the need for detailed and significant information in observations and the importance of making observations valid and professional.
Activity 3
Valid observations
The term ‘valid observations’ means something very specific to children’s services professionals. It means ensuring that the methods we use to gain information about children are those best suited to their purpose. We need to decide what we want to find out before we begin