Given our already stated definition of "moral courage" as (the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement) several instances can be found throughout history of the use (or lack of) moral courage to influence the decisions impacting the significant events of the world.
Our first demonstration of the lack of moral courage can be found during the Holocaust, in which Jewish men masqueraded in Hitler’s army and willingly took part in the war crimes against their own people. Even so, the Holocaust held many who chose to use their moral courage to give aid to Jews attempting to flee Axis-controlled regions.
The same can be said for the path taken to end slavery. Even after slavery was abolished, there were several slave owners who refused to free their slaves as the law decreed. Moreover, neighbors and even towns lacked the moral courage to report such blatant crimes.
It is the very idea of moral courage that organizations such as NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) attempt to use as a compass or guide to their actions towards maintaining justice and fulfilling the moral obligations of the world governments. It is in this role that moral courage is most often referred to as: “the decency to do the right thing, in spite of how difficult that may be”. In this manner we, as a group, believe that everyone as a Marine can identify with the importance of moral courage in the execution of our