In the modern, and very digital age, textbooks and notebooks are actively being replaced with computers and tablets. With this rise in use of technology in the classroom, the books are not the only thing getting replaced. Students are becoming more prone to plagiarism and cheating as access to the correlating information becomes widespread. More specifically, the use of social media and texting or image sharing to undergo academically dishonest practices. These actions are a leading factor in the ethical decline of students, primarily in college, who have access to smartphones or any other device on which they can conduct these actions. From a moral standpoint, the use of image sharing software …show more content…
In an article by Deborah R. Tindell and Robert W. Bohlander of Wilkes University titled “The Use and Abuse of Cell Phones and Text Messaging in the Classroom: A Survey of College Students” the writers state “ the potential for abuse is evident, with about 9% of the respondents indicating that it is easy to text during an exam without the instructor’s knowledge, and an additional 16% stating that it depends on the class, but is easy in some. . .” (2011) This means that students are not only sharing answers to quizzes, tests and exams using text messages, but they do so thinking that their instructor is none the wiser. A text message is fast, easy, and simple, which makes it incredibly easy to take part in academic dishonesty. These actions are the start of a slippery slope that can only lead to negative effects in the present, as well as the …show more content…
For example, in an article titled “The Effects on Students Who Get Caught Cheating in College” by Van Thompson of Seattle P.I., an education-based organization, states “harsh disciplinary penalties on students who cheat, particularly if the cheating was very egregious or the student has been caught cheating before.” (2018) To elaborate, students may face suspension or even expulsion from their school. Teachers and professors, upon identifying the cheating occurring, have the authority to inform the district of these doings, which may lead to