The tale revolves around the narrator's will to murder the old man for unexplainable and insane reasons, which shows that Tell-Tale Heart is a psychological short story of inner conflicts and madness. Poe primarily expressed the protagonist’s battles to work out his own inner conflicts. John Chua claims: “The idea of the protagonist fighting a counterpart occurs so often in Poe’s work that critics often suggest that the battles represent Poe’s attempts to work out, through his own inner conflicts and psychological struggles.” (Chua, 1.) This is shown by the controversial arguments that the narrator has with himself within his own head, which continue throughout the story. As the story starts, the narrator argues with himself that he is not mad. He starts out by saying
The tale revolves around the narrator's will to murder the old man for unexplainable and insane reasons, which shows that Tell-Tale Heart is a psychological short story of inner conflicts and madness. Poe primarily expressed the protagonist’s battles to work out his own inner conflicts. John Chua claims: “The idea of the protagonist fighting a counterpart occurs so often in Poe’s work that critics often suggest that the battles represent Poe’s attempts to work out, through his own inner conflicts and psychological struggles.” (Chua, 1.) This is shown by the controversial arguments that the narrator has with himself within his own head, which continue throughout the story. As the story starts, the narrator argues with himself that he is not mad. He starts out by saying