If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. – John Quincy Adams
A promotion to management or obtaining a leadership role in an organization is not the only thing needed to be considered a leader. A sound foundation in morals, values, and ethics are needed to be an efficient and effective leader. A leader must stand out from the rest. As a leader, one must know what they value in their subordinates. To be an efficient and effective leader, one must lead from within.
Leadership skills are skills that can be acquired by training, continued practices, but the core skills or traits of leadership are instilled in you as a child. Being a leader involves giving direction, setting goals, and standards for other employees. In order for this to be effective, the leader must gain the respect of his followers. Displaying ethical and moral behaviors is the starting point of gaining respect of the employees to be led.
A person’s personal morals and ethics will strongly influence their leadership ability in the workplace; thus, molding the individuals that are led. Our morals, values, ethics, and beliefs are what determines how we think and how we act. These traits are all interchangeable and are also interdependent among each other. “Each trait builds upon the other beginning with beliefs. Values are a type of belief, and morals are a type of value. All three refer to ethics, which deals with a person’s conduct.” (VanBaren) “Moral leadership describes how leaders make decisions according to beliefs about right and wrong.” (Branca) Being a moral leader requires making decisions in tough situations and when stakes are high.
Beliefs can be interpersonal or even religiously derived. Beliefs are usually instilled in a person as a child, from your parents, and ones beliefs transitions with them to an adult. They are the foundations of life, and what we
Bibliography: Branca, A. (n.d.). E-How.com. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from Definitions of a Moral Leader: http://www.ehow.com/info_8476450_definition-moral-leader.html DuBrin, A. Leadership: Research Findings, Practices, and Skills 6th ed. Mason, OH: South-Western. Howard, T. (n.d.). Untie the Knots. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from The 10 Commandments of Leadership: http://untietheknots.com/blog/?p=1372 Skillsoft. (2011). Fairness as Effectiveness: How Managers Lead . Tom R Tyler. VanBaren, J. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2011, from E-How.com: http://ehow.com/info 8079793 morals-values-beliefs.html Vanguard.com. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2011, from http://www.vanguard.edu/uploadedFiles/Faculty/RHeuser/ETHICS,%20MORAL%20CHARACTER%20AND%20AUTHENTIC%20TRANSFORMATIONAL%20LEADERSHIP.pdf