I would not be a free rider not only because I do not want to take advantage of others, but because I realize that in the long run paying for the service will have the most beneficial results. The more people pay into the system (or vaccinate their children), the more I and others will be helped, which is the rational action to take in the long run. Also, morally it is not okay to be a free rider because the people that are paying into the system do not consent to having the system (and themselves) be abused by selfish people. In the case of vaccination, the people who fear their children getting autism have one, been severely mislead by falsified unscientific experiments, and two, do not realize that their child having autism is not nearly as appalling as their child being dead or killing another child by giving them a deadly sickness. If these people looked at actual data, they would realize that vaccination is the safest option for their children, and would not be tempted to rely on herd
I would not be a free rider not only because I do not want to take advantage of others, but because I realize that in the long run paying for the service will have the most beneficial results. The more people pay into the system (or vaccinate their children), the more I and others will be helped, which is the rational action to take in the long run. Also, morally it is not okay to be a free rider because the people that are paying into the system do not consent to having the system (and themselves) be abused by selfish people. In the case of vaccination, the people who fear their children getting autism have one, been severely mislead by falsified unscientific experiments, and two, do not realize that their child having autism is not nearly as appalling as their child being dead or killing another child by giving them a deadly sickness. If these people looked at actual data, they would realize that vaccination is the safest option for their children, and would not be tempted to rely on herd