(Source: The 1737 Calcutta Earthquake and Cyclone Evaluated by
Roger Bilham, BSSA, Vol. 84, No. 5, October 1994)
Data compiled from several sources.
Most Destructive Earthquakes in the Philippines
1.) 1976 Moro Gulf Earthquake and Tsunami – up to 8,000 deaths
In terms of casualties, the deadliest earthquake to ever hit the Philippine is the 1976 Moro Gulf Earthquake and Tsunami killing about 8,000 people. It was very devastating because it occurred just after midnight when most people are asleep. * Date: August 16, 1976 * Magnitude: 8.0 moment magnitude scale * Epicenter: Celebes Sea * Damages: Not accounted * Affected areas: Mindanao and Borneo
Cotabato Chinese School Gymnasium.
Tamontaka Church before the earthquake.
Tamontaka Church after the earthquake.
2.) 1645 Luzon Earthquake - 600 deaths (Spaniards only)
One of the deadliest earthquakes and was dubbed as the "most terrible earthquake" in the recorded history of the Philippines is the 1645 Luzon Earthquake. During this time, only Spaniards