University of La Verne
Motivation in the Workplace The term motivation on its own can be defined in various ways, we can define motivation in its psychological aspect by looking into where motivation stems from and what makes people act in a certain way rather than in another. Motivation in a psychological point of view is concerned with determining why people act the way they do and what factors impact the behavior of human beings in general. On the other hand, we can define motivation from a managerial point of view, in this case we are more concerned with determining how to lead employees to show desired behavior in a work setting.
In the first case, our motive behind defining motivation is to acquire knowledge and information about human behavior as a science. In defining motivation in its managerial aspect however, our motive is to understand how to apply the science to increase productivity, efficiency, effectiveness and other work related results. In order to understand motivation according to its managerial definition however, we must first understand it according to its psychological definition. Accordingly, this paper will explore the literature review on the topic of motivation in its psychological as well as managerial meanings. In addition, the paper will also explore the questions that both meanings of motivation pose on the researchers of the subject, the paper will also present the various findings that the gurus of motivation theories the likes of Maslow, Herzberg and others have come to conclude.
Before we venture into exploring where our motivation stems from however, perhaps we should first embark upon the important works which are considered the beginnings of all motivation theories, some of these works as we will discover remained relevant and are still used in application since theorized to this day.
We can divide all the theories that have been comprised from
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