Moving & Handling
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (MHOR) As amended 2002.
This reflects the musculoskeletal that relates to up to half of all work related injuries and ill health. Employers have to comply with the updated regulations these consist of lifting, loading, pushing pulling, carrying or moving
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment regulations 1998 (LOLER)
A specific requirement for lifting and lowering people loads relating to work equipment. It requires lifting equipment to be installed to prevent risk or injury
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
Ensures equipment employers provide is safe to use for people who are trained to use it and its maintained
The work place (Health & Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (WHSWR)
Ensure employers provide suitable working conditions for their employees
By following principles for safe moving & Handling it protects those in social care setting by knowing the risks, and putting precautions in place knowing the risks and avoiding manual handling that will cause risk this then in turn will not put those is social care at harm or in danger.
The consequences of not following the individuals care plan when assisting moving and handling could result in serious injury to yourself and others musculoskeletal disorders may happen to yourself others and you may be out of work or the individual unable to be independent and in bed could be a huge impact on their life deterioration in their health.
Situation that may require additional support for moving and handling could be a deterioration in some ones health or disability so they need a hoist or someone who has fallen but has been checked over may need hoisting off the floor into a chair. Some one who has become unbalanced may need assistance standing up but needs the support of two care workers.