If you just got a moving violation while driving your car, you may be wondering if it is going to cause your insurance rate to go up. While some insurance providers will increase your premium payment, others may add a penalty charge that eventually goes away. No matter how the increase is applied to your account, you will most likely have to pay more money for car insurance because of your speeding ticket. These methods are what insurance companies use to determine premium increases.
The Speed of Your Car
When you are pulled over for speeding, how many miles you were going over the speed limit is a big factor. Speeding a significant amount over the speed limit can lead to a …show more content…
Having a violation expunged will not cause your premiums to increase, though the terms of the expunged violation may require you to take a course on defensive driving or go to traffic school.
Your Age
It costs an insurance company money to pull someone’s driving record, which is why they typically look at the records of drivers that are young and less experienced. If you are an older driver that has never had a moving violation before, it’s possible that they may not even pull your driving record and discover the ticket. Meanwhile, a young driver could have those violations easily discovered simply because they fall into the targeted demographic.
Points Accumulated On Your License
Some states use a point system for tickets, where the points go away after a period of time based on the severity of the violation. More serious violations will be worth more points, and repeat offenders can get more points than a first time offender for the same violation. Insurance companies use the points that you have received as a way to determine insurance