When an officer says "Put your hands up", then put your hands up. Don't reach for something in your pocket, your lap, your seat, etc. There's plenty of reason for an officer to feel threatened. There have been multiple assaults and ambushes on officers lately. That is a sad truth that can't be denied. Comply with requests from officers and have your day in court, if you feel you were wronged. …show more content…
They're black, white, yellow, brown, red...all races and ethnicities, all faiths, male, female....they are us! They see the worst side of humanity...the raped and abused children, the bloody, mangled bodies of accident victims, the bruised and battered victims of domestic violence, homicide victims, the list goes on...day after day.
They work holidays while we have festive meals with our families. They miss school events, dance recitals, birthdays, anniversaries, and every other special occasion that we take for granted. They work in every type of weather, under dangerous conditions, and for relatively low pay.
They have extensive training, but they are human. When there are numerous attacks on them, they become hyper vigilant, and with good reason. They have become targets. When an officer encounters a person, any person, whether at a traffic stop, a street confrontation, an arrest, serving a warrant, whatever, that situation has the potential to become life threatening in the blink of an eye. You, Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss Civilian, also have the responsibility of keeping the situation from getting out of …show more content…
They've been in service to this nation most of their lives, whether on the battlefield abroad, or the battlefield here at home. They are the only thing that stands between us and complete anarchy in the streets. They are the thin blue line that stands between civilians and criminals.
If you really want to protect your child, teach them respect and the value of life. Respect for themselves, teachers, you as a parent, police officers, and people in general. Officers do not make the laws. They merely enforce them. If you don't like the law, be proactive in the political process. Don't blame the officer. Police don't have, nor do they want, the role of judge, jury, or executioner. Don't force them to play that role.
If you get a ticket for speeding, ask yourself....were you speeding?? Don't get mad at the officer because YOU broke the law and got caught. Take your ticket, go to court, pay the fine, and don't do it again. Take responsibility for your actions.
It's easy to judge from the outside. It's easy to say how things should have been done. It's easy because you weren't in that situation, and you didn't have to make a decision in a split second. It's hard to look within oneself and see what your role should be as a citizen. As a self respecting, responsible adult seeing BOTH sides of the