Aims: 1. To provide an understanding of the working of the Indian government necessary for the student to grow into a responsible, enlightened citizen in a Secular democracy. 2. To enrich the understanding of those aspects of Indian historical development which are crucial to the understanding of contemporary India. 3. To awaken a desirable understanding in pupils of the various streams which have contributed to the development and growth of the Indian nation and its civilisation and culture. 4. To develop a world historical perspective of the contributions made by various cultures to the total heritage of mankind.
There will be one paper of two hours duration carrying 80 marks and an Internal Assessment of 20 marks. The paper will be divided into two parts, Part I and Part II. Part I (30 marks) will contain short answer questions set from the entire syllabus. Candidates will be required to answer all questions. Part II (50 marks) will consist of Section A and Section B. Candidates will be required to answer two out of three questions from Section A and three out of five questions from Section B. The sections will correspond to the sections indicated in the syllabus. SECTION A: CIVICS An elementary study is required of this section without verbatim study of the Constitutional Articles in detail. 1. Our Constitution (a) Meaning; a brief study of the formation of the Constituent Assembly of India. Definition of Constitution. Framing of the Constitution. Formation of the Constituent Assembly in 1946. Composition of Constituent Assembly representing all major regions, sections and communities in India. Time taken to complete the Constitution. Date of adoption and enactments, date of commencement / implementation of the new Constitution. 56 (b)The Preamble. Meaning. Contents. Explain the meaning of each of the terms including the amendments i.e. Secular and Socialistic Importance and