Provide a title that is a description of your lab followed by a lab number.
The title should clearly identify the experiment’s variables (independent & dependent) Purpose/Problem:
This is the place to explain what you are trying to find out or what you are going to do in the lab.
Include information about the variables involved.
Hypothesis: “If………then………because………”
This is a cause/effect statement.
This is a prediction of what the expected outcome of the lab will be.
Relate the hypothesis to the purpose/problem of the lab.
Try to focus your hypothesis on the information/research you collected.
List all items in a column.
Make sure to record the exact size and amount of each item required.
List and number each step.
Use complete sentences (begin with a capital letter and use end punctuation).
Should be clear enough for someone else to use as instructions for repeating your experiment.
Be sure to accurately record your observations/data in a chart or table.
Create a graph to provide a visual of your data.
Provide a verbal description of your data.
List all quantitative (numbers) and qualitative (words) data.
List all variables and explain what your control was.
Conclusion: “When…………….then…………….”
Match your conclusion to the purpose or the problem.
Base your conclusion on your analysis of your observations and any data that has been collected.
Explain: (The following are just suggestions and DO require elaboration.) o What you did in the experiment o What you observed (trends/patterns in your data that supported or did not support your hypothesis) o What you learned from the lab o If you think it was a fair test (i.e. – was there anything that may have impacted the accuracy of your results) o Questions for further research and investigation o Application: Can you think of an analogous situation that applies to real life?
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