This assignment will look at Jamie Oliver, his Fifteen project and how he runs the organization. |
The tasks set out in this assignment will look at Jamie Oliver and his fifteen project and his different managing styles according to the situation he is presented with. By reading the case study it is clear that Jamie had a very clear vision where he wanted to go and how he was going to it, however, the task would not be that simple as the T.V series shown and this essay will demonstrate. Jamie encountered many obstacles to overcome and a huge challenge to complete. On top of all that he would also be scrutinised by the press for any mistakes or failures which may occur along the way.
To analyse the different roles in which Jamie used according to the situation first it would be helpful to see Mintzburg’s essential managerial roles in a diagram format. Opposite is the 10 essential roles managers use in their role as manager. Henry Mintzburg put this forward as a theory and it has been used as a basis ever since.
Opposite is the 10 essential roles managers use in their role as manager. Henry Mintzburg put this forward as a theory and it has been used as a basis ever since.
(Bing, 2012)
The diagram above shows the roles in category’s, where the Interpersonal category has the roles of; Figurehead, leader and liaison. The informational category has the roles of recipient, disseminator and spokesperson, while the decision category is split into four roles; Entrepreneurial, disturbance handler, resource allocator and negotiator. (Wordpress, 2013)
Throughout the case study Jamie is both macro and micro-managing, making sure his students feel comfortable in what they are doing and competent in doing so, Jamie also takes a democratic, autocratic and