This is an historical novel about the pre-Russian invasion and pre-Taliban rule of Afghanistan, as well life in Afghanistan under Taliban rule and life in a post-Taliban Afghanistan. Although the story is fictitious, the information about the political, social, and cultural systems of this Middle Eastern country provides a contrast to the contemporary headlines about Afghanistan primarily being home to terrorist cells. The Kite Runner paints a realistic portrait of a country about which most readers probably know very little and enables readers to separate the people of a country from its leaders (the Taliban) and/or groups (terrorists) associated with it.
Actually, the real novel writer is articulator of the dark corners, unspoken, and untouched aspects of the horizontal and vertical socio-cultural domains of a society that can not be found in an official cultural, social, geographical, or political books. The real novel writer is pointing the most important and crucial problem or question of the time in a society. If a novel becomes a tool for blotting, insulting, devaluating of the real values and measures of a nation, or a specific ethnic group, gaining some other financial and political interests and benefits, could be very dangerous, discriminatory, insane, seditious and/or inflammable.
Socio-cultural and ethical values and measures of a society, honestly kept during the evolution and development of the story, could be developed progressively during the span of the story. If a novel or story were lacking these characters, it would not be a real one. Events, developments and evolutions in a non-real novel or story theoretically are possible, but in practice are not applicable.
One of the important elements that have its special place in a novel is the imagination on the bases of the actual geographic, social, cultural, economical, psychological, and social psychology realities. If these imaginations are not laid on these bases, they