Prosecutors: A Priest of the Roman Catholic Faith, Ministers from the Lutheran Church, the Methodist Church, the Church of England, and Presbyterian Church, an Elder from the Church of Christ, two representatives from the Jehovah Witnesses, a representative from the Christian
Science Reading Room, a Captain from the Salvation Army, a Bishop from the Greek Orthodox
Church, an Evangelist from the Pentecostal Movement, a Minister from the Baptist Church, representatives from the United Church of Canada( a combination of the Methodist,
Presbyterian, and Congregational Churches), an Atheist, and an Agnostic.
Defense: Two Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Judge: A Jewish Rabbi of the Orthodox Jewish Faith.
Judge: Gentlemen, we are here today to establish the truth among a confused Christian world.
The prosecution has chosen from their council, representatives from some of the major
Christian Faiths, to question these two young men of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints of their beliefs. We will remain until truth is established. The prosecution has maintained that the defendants are spreading false doctrines and bearing false witness, and have desired to promote truth this day and during this trial. In examining my notes, it seems the questions heretofore established are the questions of REVELATION, the question of the authenticity of the
MORMON APOSTLES and PROPHETS, the truthfulness of the BOOK OF MORMON, and the responsibility of the prosecution to prove the statements false that the defendants are making against their respective churches. Although all of the prosecution has claimed inspired men, none of you have made one claim of “divine revelation” and the appearance of God and his supposed son, Jesus Christ, to