The claimant unexpectedly stop working for Mr. Sanders in March 2015 for no apparent reason when he worked as a Lead Foreman for a 3 man crew that conducted landscape work with potted plant materials, such as potted plants, trees and shrubbery, and used a shovel, pick, chain saws and a rototiller to either cut, trim or plant these materials by hand in the ground.
During a phone call in March 2015 with the claimant, Mr. Sanders attempted to reach out to the claimant to find how long he should expect for him to return back to work. Mr. Sanders …show more content…
Sanders and the Claimant’s biological brother, Jorge Villalobos were not privy to injuries that may have occurred on the job regarding the claimant’s back, hearing and eyes specifically on March 31, 2015.
The claimant worked 20 years for Mr. Sanders’, and never provided a “specific date and time of when these (alleged) injuries occurred.” He claimed that there was no medical documentation to support the claim, other than an injury that occurred 5 years ago when the claimant fractured his right arm at a job site.
Mr. Sander’s did not have any documentation regarding the claimants right arm injury. The claimant lost 3 weeks off from work and returned back to work with light modified work duties as a “Driver.” The claimant was eventually medially released to come back to work full duty.
The claimant’s brother, Mr. Jorge Villalobos who was apprehensive about being questioned about his brother’s workers’ comp claim, was not privy to any of the alleged injuries that his brother is alleging in his claim.
Mr. Jorge Villalobos, claimed the claimant saw a chiropractor for a back problem approximately five years ago and was not privy to the extent of the claimant’s alleged back injury; or were work related. As for reasons unknown, Mr. Villalobos alleged the claimant started wearing a hearing aid on his right ear 3 years ago. He cannot say without confidence if the claimant had an eye injury at