Recently, she has been displaying signs of depression such as refusing to eat, crying heavily, …show more content…
Kay, several ethical concerns arose. The ethical concerns were centered on two main aspects: Mrs. Kay’s cultural and religious underpinnings that were possibly contributing to her depressive feelings and the possibility that the pain medications are affecting her cognition. The social worker will utilizes a strength-based perspective with Mrs. Kay, which will permit her to feel encouraged to keep her culture and faith identities as most if not all cultures promote a healthy life style. The social worker will have to address the importance of religion and/or spirituality and culture in regards to Mrs. Kay’s belief. Normally, the social worker does not address much of the religious aspect with patients, since the chaplain is expected to do this. Since Mrs. Kay has never spoken to the social worker about religion before, the social worker is concerned that this may be a difficult area to explore. The aspect of the medication causing cognitive impairments will require the social worker to communicate with medical staff and educate herself about the side effects of the medications. The social worker should also conduct a cognitive assessment to determine Mrs. Kay’s orientation to place, situation, person, and time. If Mrs. Kay is unable to perform appropriately on the cognitive assessment then, the social worker will have to find an alternate intervention that can assist Mrs. Kay as much as possible. Interventions, such as