We decided to incorporate the medium of props into our exploration. We used red ribbons to act as a multifunctional prop as well as the buckets and the bamboo sticks.
In our performance we decided to tell a story throughout the song. We added Eddie Mickey and Linda to the performance and allowed other members in our group to become extra children in the background, to show who the main three children we centred them mainly in the middle and …show more content…
It was decided that I would play the role of Mrs Lyons and one of the children we also decided that I should wear a clack over my head and body and act as kind of like a hag to act as if the child was impersonating Mrs Lyons. The posture of my character resemble somewhat of an elder person. My lent forward exposing my back and acting as if I were in pain. We did this to do this to over exaggerate Mrs Lyons on how she is described in the song.
It was decided that the line in the song would be spread out between each member of the group, we believed that this made it more dramatic and add tension as the song is quite sinister itself. By adding different levels of voice at different tones and tempos shown a dramatic and nerve racking performance.
We wanted to show through our performance the connection between Mickey and Linda as they become closer through the original play. We decided to show this through mickey and Eddie arguing over Linda, firstly we shown Eddie (Emily ) getting close to Linda (Sammi) and having Mickey(me) get a little angry and start stomping, soon enough mickey (me ) pushes Eddie out the way and the song continues. We wanted to make it more physical by having Mickey and Eddie slightly hit each other and act as if they were …show more content…
For example the when the song reached the lines were we do coral speaking such as the lines were we Speke “mad women”. We decided to say the line louder than the other ones as we believed it pin pointed the fact that Mrs Lyons truly was MAD,
We used synchronisation quite little in the performance but what we did use of it became quite effective and useful, we shown this all throughout the performance of mad women. We used it to show the relationship between Mickey and Linda. This was shown throughout the song. We wanted to show this as later on in the play Mickey and Linda are in a relationship and we used this to show how it progresses later on.
We attempted to add quite a lot of movement and characterisation. To make us look and act more like kids we ran around and did things such as cartwheels and handstands. We also shown the kids playing games such as gangsters and Indians as described in the song “kids game”. To make the characters look and act more like themselves we made Eddie have a quiet smart posture with his head up to show he is smart and comes from a posh background. For Mickey and Linda we decided to have them slouched and also make them pull funny faces and act a bit crazy. We did this to show contrast between both boys and show how different they actually