First question, #1. Why did you want to become a teacher? Well, Stephanie Children need role models, and leaders. This is important, especially in young age, when they try to understand the world around them, and create their picture of themselves. Many children come from families that face a lot …show more content…
This is an ethical code of conduct question, Mrs. Taylor. If we're stopped in town by a parent or guardian of a student, who is in your classroom, would you discuss problems with the student with the parent. I said that I would not, because I would feel it would be better discussing any issue I may have with the school principle, it’s not ethical and I don’t break or make the rules. Question#7. What is your teaching philosophy, Mrs. Taylor? Personably, myself I believe the classroom is a lot like a living and thriving community everybody, from the principal to the students and parents must work to contribute to and uphold an encouraging atmosphere. I learn from students as much as they learn from me. I respect each person's thoughts and feelings in the classroom (students, teaching assistants and …show more content…
What would you do if a student came in and tell you they had been abused? I would be empathetic with the student and contact the appropriate personnel for the students to get the needed help. I would notify the police immediately. I learned in my School and Society class in college that this is exactly what to do. Even though it is required to report it, it is a good idea to check with other staff to ask if a report was done before or what they know about the family situation. Also, you must be prepared to give detailed quotes of the discussion and the time and place to the police to justify an inspection. They may call you for confirmation and more