➢ Describe the importance of these two goals. ➢ Describe how the pupil explosion and inequalities in education may prevent African countries from achieving these two goals by 2015. Use practical examples in your discussion.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. The purpose and link between Millennium Development Goal 2 and Millennium Development Goal 3
3. Pupil explosion explained
4. Impact of pupil explosion identified and discussed
4.1 Teacher-pupil ratio 4.2 Physical facilities 4.3 Drop-out and failure rates 4.4 Finances
5. Inequalities in education discussed with reference to African countries
1. Inequalities between countries 2. Inequalities between regions in the same country 3. Urban-rural inequalities 4. Inequalities between ethnic groups within the same country 5. Inequalities between education and other sectors 6. Gender inequalities
6. Conclusion
7. Bibliography
1. Introduction
The year 2000 brought about the Dakar conference in Senegal to determine the progress that countries were making in education towards achieving the goal, “education for all” (EFA). In that same year the international community agreed upon a number of millennium development goals, two of these goals focus on education. Poverty is a key factor influencing the attainment of these goals, and this is clearly evident in African countries. Education is a reflection of a society; it is shaped and influenced by the social conditions in the country, as well as the economic and political conditions.
It is good to make mention of the progress that is being made in education, especially in South Africa and the many
Bibliography: • Servaas van der Berg, University of Stellenbosch, Education, poverty and inequality in South Africa, March 2002 • George Herald, Thursday, 2 February 2012 • De Beer and Cornwell 2011-2012, Development Problems and Institutions, DVA 1601 | | | | • 80:20 Development in an Unequal World 5th Edition, Edited by Colm Reagan • http://uk.oneworld.net/guides/gender