In these poorer countries, almost all the people trying to learn are men because women are not even given the chance. They are not given an education and other opportunities because of cultural and social barriers. Over 70% of more than eight hundred and fifty-five million illiterate adults are women. Many of these illiterate adults live in countries where there is a strong belief that it is unnecessary to educate women. Less than 40% of countries throughout the world provides girls and boys with equal access to education and over half of the children out of school are women. For the females attending school in many of these countries, the completion rates and learning levels of them are lower than males. For example, the female literacy rate in more than twelve countries in sub-Saharan Africa is under 40%. In many other countries, it’s under 20%. Women are also extremely unrepresented in the government. For example, women only make up one- fifth of Congress. Only 23.3% of parliamentarians are women too. Shockingly, in 2015, there are thirty-eight countries throughout the world where women make up 10% of …show more content…
However, this is false because the definition of murder is killing a human unlawfully. First of all, this supports my statement because murder is illegal and an induced abortion is legal in 65% of countries around the world. Since abortion is legal in the majority of the world, it cannot be considered as murder. Secondly, murder is killing a human being. According to, “Overriding the woman's Fourteenth Amendment right to privacy, and her subsequent right to terminate her pregnancy until the point of viability, then assessed at 24 weeks. The Court did not state that viability is or is not when a fetus becomes a person; just that this is the earliest point at which it can be proven that the fetus has the capacity to have a meaningful life as a person.” A fetus is considered a human being according to the Supreme Court when its heartbeat is proven, which is usually around eight to nine weeks gestation. Since 73% of abortions are performed within the first nine weeks when the fetus is not considered a human being, it is not murder. The time the fetus becomes a human being determines on the country and its laws. As one can now understand, abortion should not be considered as murder because it is legal in most countries and a fetus is not a human until viability according to the U.S.