TIME: 1hr 30 Min
On Sheet1 (rename the sheet to Nina)
Q1. Create a worksheet to accommodate 10 items in Nina Superstores using the following as field options: Serial No, Item Name, Date sold, Unit Cost Price, Quantity Sold, Unit Selling price and Calculate the total cost price and profit for each item sold
On Sheet2 (rename the sheet to Hospital)
Q2. Create a worksheet to calculate end of the year bonus for employees of Nina Hospital using the following as field option, s/n, Employee name, Department, grade level, Date employed, basic salary and bonus.
Given that if employee is below grade level 5 then bonus is 10% of basic salary if employee is above grade level 5 then bonus is 20% of basic salary if employee is above grade level 10 then bonus is 30% of basic salary
On Sheet3 (rename the sheet to Student grade)
Q3. Create a worksheet to calculate student grading system using the following as field options, S/N, student name, class, MS word, access, PowerPoint, Corel draw, publisher and internet scores respectively, calculate the total score and average score hence compute the student grade given that if Average score is above 79 student grade equal A1 if Average score is above 69 student grade equal V.good if Average score is above 59 student grade equal good if Average score is above 49 student grade equal credit if Average score is above 39 student grade equal pass if Average score is below 40 student grade equal