The U.S, and indeed much of the world, has been described as a “knowledge society.” How does this affect productivity measurement and comparison of productivity between the U.S. and other countries? Illustrate with an example.
Productivity is the ratio of out puts (goods and services) divided by inputs (resources and capital). The creation of goods and services requires changing resources into goods and services; the more efficiently we make this change, the more productive we are, and the more value is added to the good or services provided. By applying the ten decisions of operation management (om) help us to be efficient: developing and using the correct strategy helps us to be effective. The measurement of productivity is an important way to evaluate a country’s ability to provide a high stander of living for its people. Only through the increase of productivity, improve the stander living, and labor, capital and management receive high salary. When productivity increase using the same resources, the prices will go down, and if labor and capital increase without increase in productivity raises the prices.
The U.S has been able to increase productivity at an average rate of almost 2.55 per year which has double the U.S. ‘s wealth every 30 years. Three factors are important in improving the productivity; such as, labor, capital, and management. In order to improve the labor productivity, the labor force should be better utilized with a stronger commitment; training, motivation, team building and human resource strategies, and improved education are some of the techniques which contribute to increase productivity. The effective sue of capital increase the productivity, and management accounts for over half of the annual increase productivity. The postindustrial societies are known as knowledge societies, and using knowledge and technology are essential in postindustrial societies. In these societies much of the labor force has