Mana Potential: The maximum amount of mana your deck can produce in ideal circumstances.
Mana Percentage: number of lands + number of land search spells/effects + number of creatures, artifacts, enchantments, instants and sorceries that produce mana = Mana Percentage.
Mana Density: Mana Percentage - lands found by mana search cards - lands with a non mana primary job - cost of those abilities IF they are recurring - cost of activated abilities = Mana Density.
Turn Acceleration: [(number of cards in deck / number of accelerators) * the number of cards you will have drawn by the turn when you have to play your accelerator] * the percentage chance you have to draw enough lands to hit all the land drops up to the turn you want to accelerate to = Turn Acceleration.
Color Curve: (The number of lands in your deck that let you make the ideal play on turn one / the number of cards in your deck) * the number of cards you have drawn on turn one = first number of the Color Curve. (The number of lands in your deck that let you make the ideal play on turn two / the number of cards in your deck) * the number of cards you have drawn on turn two = second number of the Color Curve. (The number of lands in your deck that let you make the ideal play on turn three / the number of cards in your deck) * the number of cards you have drawn on turn three = third number of the Color Curve.
Pain Index: Highest percentage land draw for turn one * the damage from the land = turn one number. Repeat this process for turns 2, 3, and 4 then add the four numbers together (rounding final figures up) to get your average life loss. To calculate the variability, add up the total damage from your manabase (in this calculation fetchlands count for 1 if they only fetch basics, 1.5 if they fetch shocklands) and divide by your average life loss, round final results up.